refleKTion salon

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any of you who follow our IG or FB know that i'm what might be considered more than a little obsessed with motivational quotes.  some are funny, some make you cry, and some just help you know that you aren't the only person in the world who has ever felt some sort of way.  the background of my computer switches hourly amongst an array of my favs, we decorated mugs at the salon with some of the shorter ones (it's not as easy as it looks to hand-write on a circular object no matter what Pinterest says!), and regularly post them for you guys to enjoy.  while i can't claim that i came up with these inspirational power-houses myself i do like to think of myself as a pretty damn good curator of kwan.  so here's some of my favs for your reading pleasure!

For more inspo follow our Balance Board on Pinterest!

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// VRV